All orders are now due by Monday, February 10th, 2025. Orders will be ready approximately 4 weeks after this date.

NOTE:  Delivery will be delayed slightly due to late orders and the reopening of the site!


1. $12.00 DIRECT SHIPPING FEE – Choose direct shipping below. Your order will be sent directly to the shipping address entered.

2. DEFAULT OPTION – The order will be forwarded to the administrators for distribution.   IF YOU DO NOT CHOOSE OPTION 1 ABOVE, THIS IS THE DEFAULT OPTION.

-If you are having problems placing an order on an iPad, please try to place your order on a laptop or desktop computer.
-All orders are processed by PayPal. NOTE: A PayPal account is not required, you may pay by credit card as well.
-No Refunds, Returns, or Exchanges accepted on custom team clothing.
-Designs are subject to change without notification.
-All orders must be placed via the website.
-Questions? Please email us at


All orders must be placed on the website!